Commands (owner): |
/cast {on/off} - Create or close your own cast /cast password |password| - Sets a password for the cast /cast desc |description| - Set a description for the cast /cast status - Information about your cast (viewer amount, description, password) /cast viewers - Displays the name of all viewers /cast {ban/unban} "name" - Bans a viewer from joining your cast/Removes the ban /cast {mute/unmute} "name" - Mutes a viewer on your cast/Removes the mute /cast bans - Displays a list of banned viewers /cast mutes - Displays a list of muted viewers /cast update - Updates the description and status on the website |
Commands (viewer): |
/nick newNick - Changes the viewers name /info - Displays a list of all viewers |
Nenhuma guild domina!
O Castelo abre em:
4 horas.